Wednesday, January 3, 2007

Pics and notes to share

Hey Folks--Top left: Chelsea, Suzanne and Daniel in front of the Moosewood Restaurant in Ithaca, NY last week. Suzanne has wanted to eat there since she first got the Moosewood cookbook 20 some years ago. Top right is Cool Dude Daniel and to the left is Chelsea and (now) fiance Zach--notice the enormous rock on Chelsea's left ring finger!

We just got back from Christmas in NY with Chelsea. Weather was not very cooperative (too warm and rainy to snow ski as hoped) but we had a great time anyway, albeit a long drive.
Below is a Japanese tea ceremony in progress in Osaka, and a pic of me with the ladies who provided it. Hope all goes well with you all.--Love David


Jimmy said...


Thanks for the pics. They add a lot and fulfill the ideal of the blog. Did you see and read Eric's blogs from SA? Your family is cool. The pics say so too. does one put a photo from a digital camera into the blog. I need to know by tonight.

David said...

You said: " does one put a photo from a digital camera into the blog"

First get your pics from the camera and into the computer's memory. I have an sd disk in my camera and an sd slot for it on the computer so its pretty automatic. You may have a cable for this purpose though. Still another option is have someone like Walgreens transfer the images from camera to cd, then work from that.

On the Blog, select "New Post" on the status bar at the very top, then select the icon for "add images" that is in the editing fuctions row at the top of the message screen itself-just to the right of "abc" spellcheck. From there its pretty staight-forward--browse for image on your computer/cd, upload, etc. With careful editing I'm sure you can arrange picture sizes and wrape-around text, etc. like Eric's cool travelogue blog. I just up-loaded the pics without that kind of attention, though. Hope this helps.--David

Eric said...

Here's the site for Eric's adventures...