Wednesday, January 3, 2007

Pics and notes to share

Hey Folks--Top left: Chelsea, Suzanne and Daniel in front of the Moosewood Restaurant in Ithaca, NY last week. Suzanne has wanted to eat there since she first got the Moosewood cookbook 20 some years ago. Top right is Cool Dude Daniel and to the left is Chelsea and (now) fiance Zach--notice the enormous rock on Chelsea's left ring finger!

We just got back from Christmas in NY with Chelsea. Weather was not very cooperative (too warm and rainy to snow ski as hoped) but we had a great time anyway, albeit a long drive.
Below is a Japanese tea ceremony in progress in Osaka, and a pic of me with the ladies who provided it. Hope all goes well with you all.--Love David

I'm IN !

Marcia and Jim Christmas

Blogger Buddies;

Too busy. Time short. This must do. First day back. Vacation great. Very great. Too great. Considered AWOL. Visited Mrs. Tucker. Is well. Steven, Kelly and twins w/ Church group that caroled her & us. Talked to Chris. Did regular ham. Priceville country ham still under bed. Marcia did Mothers' cauliflower mustard & cheese "brain". Big hit. Christmas eve extended family at FB great. Installed new FB bathroom floor cover. Sidney helped replace rotting E. wall w/ cement Hardy planks. Fired nail gun. Bang it’s done. Painted. Looks best ever. Got trunkload of cole stuff at Co. Line Produce stand Hastings. Very giant cabbage, very giant cauliflower, broccoli, two armloads of greens, Yellow squash, zucchini. Nine bucks. Cooked greens w/ ham parts. Distributed over N. Fla. Marcia cooked blackeyed peas crock pot. Mrs. Tucker cornbread. New Year Day feast. Marcia & Connor now wear cool crocks. Sonny, I got Nam wall thing. Thanks. Will, got best light. There’s more. Can’t remember. Too stress. Skin biopsy tomorrow. Stitch up & to Egypt next day. They seek next level strawberries. Shivering Europeans love 'em. From Camp David Accord. Last night Bunnell-Florida-Redneck-Hunt-Camp-Fried-Cabbage on porch. More too good. Baby-sat Connor for parents’ night out. Big fun. Cool Connor. New thrift store couch FB. Visited Jane. Doing well. Boys’ poinsettia very fine. Visited Don/Rosemary Christmas eve shindig. Big gang. All cool. Decorations down.



Okay, Jim and Erik, I'm signed-up now I think. What next? Guess I'll be back when I actually have something to share (this is a great idea by the way).

Tuesday, January 2, 2007

Happy Holidays

Happy Holidays to all the Price's. Eric and I had a wonderful Christmas in Charlotte with my family (older sister, Tina, lives there). Food was great, company was even better but we missed all of you! Love, Eric & Nicole (& Roma too)...
PS Anthony- Thanks for the gift certificate!

Moving the Prices into the New Year...